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Morning workout with JJ. It’s an all girl class and I like it! We warm up with a run and some mobility then we move on to gymnastics play. For some reason, JJ is convinced I can do a muscle up today. I’m happy to try but I don’t have his confidence. I start with progressions from the ground using the rings. I’m getting these relatively well and continue to raise the rings. I eventually get it at the height of my head, and JJ says this means I’m ready to do it on the rings. Wow..he was wrong. Granted, we only worked on this for a total of 12 minutes but I could not figure out how to connect the kip to what I had just done. However, I made some progress in 12 short minutes so I still consider it successful.

I’m so excited for the workout today. However, I’m disappointed that he changed the weight. Rx was 115lbs but now it’s 135lbs. My 1rm for squat clean is only 130 so I don’t think I can do 135 25 times. However, as we are working up to the weight we want to use, JJ tells me to try 135. I do and I get it! Wahoo!! It’s a PR for me and considering it’s a power clean and not a squat clean, I’m elated. Then he starts getting crazy and asking if I’m going to use that weight for the workout. Uhhh no. I got it but it’s certainly wasn’t easy. It wasn’t even the best form. I go for 115lbs and feel really confident about this.


14 t2b
5 power cleans (115lbs)

Time: 10:43

This is a really fun workout and kind of my jam. I’m pretty good at t2b although I found myself missing reps toward the third round. I would stop kipping and just do strict. This didn’t make sense to me. Shouldn’t my abs be fatigued if I’m not able to get my toes up. I ask JJ. Apparently it was my lats that were fatigued due to the kipping and then power cleans. Makes sense.
Power cleans go really well. I don’t miss any but I am tired at the end. I’m the first one done in the class!! And I don’t rip my hands.
Really thrilled about my progress with cleans in the past few weeks.

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