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Jason Johnson is coach tonight. The class is nice and full. Nick and a lot of other familiar faces are here tonight. We warm up with a 1000m row (warm-up!?!) and the other standard movements. I decide to see how many pull-ups I can do in a row because I’m feeling strong. I get 6 in a row! This is a new record for me and I’m thrilled. Plus, I felt like I could have gotten one more had my excitement not completely overwhelmed me and led to me launching myself off the bar. D and Mel come over to me after and ask why I was ignoring them. Apparently they were watching me do my pull-ups and yelling my name in encouragement the whole time. This feels awesome coming from some badass, experienced women.

Onto the skill: HSPU. I got my first kipping HSPU not long ago so I’m not completely terrified of these anymore. Jason has some great tips about how to kip better and be more explosive. I try this a few times and get three in a row. Then I decide to try a strict HSPU. AND I GET ONE!!! Not at all dirty..totally legitimate. Brent comes over to congratulate me on “Whatever you did”.



4 rounds, 5 sets, for time

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 squats

Score: 36:10

Seems so simple but it’s so damn hard. Jason suggests I do jumping pull-ups because I can’t kip and I certainly can’t do that many strict pull-ups. Sadly, I don’t know that I did these right. Apparently you’re supposed to completely extend your arms at the bottom. Regardless, the workout was killer. Push-ups were definitely the limiting factor. But I made certain to do them all with good form, along with the squats.

You’re supposed to rest half the time it takes to do each round before moving on the the next one. Apparently, no one but Nick, Derek and I follow along with that. People who get done after we do are starting back up 30+ seconds before we’re set to. This is frustrating and confusing as is the fact that our time limit drops down from 35 to 32 mid-workout. Nick grabs the stopwatch because it’s clear we won’t finish on time. I try to get Derek to keep going with us but he decides he has had enough. Nick and I finish. Because I didn’t do actual pull-ups, I’m not that tired. Nick, however, is near death.

Good day overall. Got a few firsts and powered through a tough workout even when others quit. Felt good.