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Level one class with Kelly today. I was extremely nervous. I didn’t know how they would modify the workout. I can see what the level 2 workout is going to be and I am CONFIDENT I will not be able to do any of the moves.

Pleasantly surprised with the level one class, however. Kelly goes through movements. We start with a basic warm-up (the tens). People are extremely friendly (why!?).

The WOD:


5 pull-up (I used the green band)

18 deadlifts (65lb)

5 toes to bar

18 squats (white kettlebell)

5 hand-release push ups

18 press jerks with a 15lb dumbbell

Score: 3 rounds + 2 pull-ups


I remember attempting my first t2b. I could do it. Like I just brought my toes up to the bar. I assumed I was doing something wrong. Why was it so easy?? I remember asking Nick and BP watching me and seeming somewhat impressed. Huh…maybe I’m not terrible at every part of this (still terrible at wall balls at this point so that served as a nice humbler). I stayed after class to ask Kelly if I was doing them right. She again seemed impressed. We talked about kipping t2b for more speed and efficiency. I tried it a few times but was pretty spent so I headed out. I felt MUCH better after this workout than I did after any of the intro workouts. Yes, still was sweaty and felt near death. But, I was kind of sorta starting to like that feeling…